Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Is there a minimum length of stay?

Most properties have a minimum 4 nights’ stay. The options for holiday let durations will be shown when using our booking forms and property search facility. However, if you have a specific request about booking a holiday let for a different duration, please drop us an email to discuss the options.

Is there a standard check-in and check-out time?

Owing to the extra time currently needed for deep cleaning to keep properties Covid-safe, check-in is from 4pm and check-out is by 9am. Get in touch if you have a specific request outside these times.

Where should I collect the keys?

This will be confirmed within your booking confirmation as each property is unique.

What happens if I need to cancel my booking?

Get in touch with us by email or on 01752 873303/07880 356134 as soon as possible to discuss this.

What are the payment options?

A deposit of 50% of the total cost of your stay is required to secure your booking and the final payment required 8 weeks before check-in. Payment can be made online through our booking system or you can call on 01752 873303/07880 356134 arrange payment by Bacs bank transfer.

Do I need to bring my own bedding and towels?

No, bed linen and towels are all provided, and beds will be made ready your arrival.

Do I need to clean my holiday let before I leave?

No, we will take care of this. However, due to the Covid pandemic, we ask that you strip the beds and place the bedding and towels in a bag provided.

Is there a charge for energy or heating?

No, this is included in your booking price, except if a specific holiday let requires additional payment – if this is the case, it will be clearly stated in the booking details.

Who should I contact if there is a problem during my stay?

Please contact Laura by phone on 01752 873303/07880 or by email at

Can people visit during my stay?

You can receive guests for visits during the day (where space allows) but overnight guests not included in the party stated in the holiday booking are not permitted.

Can preparations be made for special occasions, such as honeymoons or birthday parties?

Yes, this is available for an additional charge. Please get in touch to discuss.

Do babies or young children count in my booking number?

Yes, everyone staying on the holiday needs to be accounted in your booking details.